
Delicacies from local producers!

Regional specialties "von hier"

A stay at JUFA Hotels is more than just a holiday. It’s experiencing the region – it’s breathing, smelling, tasting. And it starts in our hotels, with a few selected products that we source from regional producers. From right here.

A culinary vacation

Your stay with us will be an experience for all five senses. Start discovering your vacation destination at the breakfast buffet! Enjoy typical regional products like the Sura Kees cheese from the Ganahl mountain farm at the JUFA Hotel Montafon*** or heirloom autumn pear juice from Obsthof Schirnhofer in the Pöllau valley in Eastern Styria when you stay at the JUFA Hotel Pöllau***.

Our jams are homemade from fresh fruit with lots of love. All JUFA Hotels serve the wonderful selection of teas and herbal infusions of Sonnentor, one of Austria’s most successful companies from the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria.

Tradition and innovation

We also support new and innovative regional businesses with our purchasing decisions. Some of our JUFA Hotels procure fish from Michis Frische Fische in the Mürzer Oberland nature park. The proprietor Michael Wesonig even raises saltwater fish sustainably at the fish farm he has set up in a former carpenter’s workshop in Weiz.

Werner Dilly from Windischgarsten uses his grandmother’s dumpling recipes to create delicious Austrian dumplings with potato or curd dough which we regularly serve at the JUFA Hotels Schloss Röthelstein***, Grünau im Almtal*** and Spital am Pyhrn***.

The old Gesäuse-Perle lemonade factory in Admont has been resurrected and produces lemonade that tastes like childhood summers.

At the JUFA Hotel Königswinter**** you can enjoy fine wines from vines that grow and mature right next to the JUFA Hotel: Kay Weine. In the popular hiking region of Murau, people like to refresh themselves with a glass of Murau beer or a Murelli lemonade, which are produced in the Murau brewery.

The JUFA Hotel Tieschen*** is also home to the local vinotheque and wine shop, where you can sample delicious wines from the region, including those from the TAU Winzers. And much more….

Regional and sustainable

Buying from local producers helps to maintain value in the region, secure jobs and strengthen local communities.

Traditional farming and production practices also shape and preserve our beloved cultural landscapes such as high mountain pastures, scattered orchards and vineyards as we know and appreciate them. Short transportation routes also protect the environment.

By buying regional products, we fulfil our commitment to contribute to sustainable development in the regions where we are located. Read more about it in the JUFA Hotels mission statement.

A healthy and powerful start to your day

Get a perfect start to an exciting day with a fresh, healthy and hearty breakfast buffet at your JUFA Hotel. Enjoy your stay with us!